Results of Remote Monitoring of the Technological Potential and Ecology of Open-pit Mining at Mineral Deposits for the Production of Crushed Stone


Zenkov I.V.1,Kustikova E.A.1,Le Hung Chin2,Dmitrieva M.L.3,Yuronen Yu.P.4,Cherepanov E.V.5,Gerasimova E.I.5,Kondrashov P.M.5,Mironova Zh.V.5,Skornyakova S.N.5


1. Siberian Research Institute of Mining and Surveying

2. Le Quy Don Technical University

3. Saint Petersburg Mining University

4. Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology

5. Siberian Federal University


Based on the results of remote monitoring, the state of mining operations in quarries for the extraction of mineral raw materials consumed by crushed stone plants in Russia was investigated. The indicators of integrated mechanization of crushed stone quarries based on the presence of operating mining and transport vehicles have been identified. The production capacity of each quarry in terms of rock mass and the total production potential of the crushed stone plants in Russia, estimated at 285 million tons per year, have been determined. The environmental indicators of disturbed lands during the development of mineral deposits for use in the crushed stone plants are presented.



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