Tectonic, Geological and Hydrogeological Risks of CO2 Placement in Aquifers in the South of Sakhalin Island


Yurchik I.I.1,Novikov D.A.1,Zharkov R.V.2


1. Institute of Petroleum Geology and Geophysics named after A.A. Trofimuk, Siberian Branch of RAS

2. Institute of Marine Geology and Geophysics, Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences


The tectonic, geological and hydrogeological features of the south of Sakhalin Island have been considered in connection with the assessment of the possibility of placing CO2 in aquifers. It has been found that at the regional and zonal level of criteria, this territory can be classified as unpromising one. It has been concluded that implementation of landfill projects for the placement of CO2 in aquifers will face great geological risks for the drinking water supply to the population, and can also lead to serious environmental consequences for nature, including a shift in the balance in the aquatic ecosystem of Aniva Bay.



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