The Use of Non-isocyanate Urethanes in the Chrome-saving Technology of the Manufacture of Fur Raw Materials


Garifullina A.R.1,Antonova M.V.1


1. Kazan National Research Technological University


The possibilities of reducing the negative impact of chrome tanning agents on the environment are considered. Special attention is paid to the chrome-saving technology of dressing fur raw materials with pretreatment with non-toxic non-isocyanate urethanes. The results of a study on reducing the concentration of chromium in the working solution using functional non-isocyanate urethanes are presented. The object of the study is the raw material of fur sheepskin. It was revealed that the introduction of pretreatment with non-isocyanate urethanes before chrome tanning of fur raw materials allows reducing the initial concentration of chrome tanning agent in the bath to an average of 37%.



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