A Mathematical Model for Assessing the Impact of a Man-Made System on an Air Basin


Krupskaya L.T.1,Kulikova E.Yu.2,Filatova M.Yu.1,Leonenko A.V.3


1. Pacific National University; Far East Forestry Research Institute


3. Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science Institute of Mining FEB RAS


The results of many years of research on the assessment of the impact on the air basin of the technogenic system – tailings dumps of highly toxic waste using methods of mathematical statistics is presented. The research was carried out within the boundaries of the Dalnegorsky Ore District of the Primorsky Territory of the Far Eastern Federal District (Far Eastern Federal District). It has been established that the main pollutant is dust containing elevated concentrations of heavy metal compounds, which is removed from the surface of tailings dumps by air flows. The spatial and temporal patterns of the distribution of the pollutants in the atmospheric air are revealed. It has been experimentally proved that contamination of the air basin with heavy metal compounds, sulfate ion aerosols, and dust is extremely high. The ways of reducing its negative impact on the air basin are proposed.




Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law,Pollution,Ecology

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