Soil and Vegetation Cover in the Valleys of the Tolych and Zyryanka Rivers (Perm Region, Russia) under Conditions of Technogenic Salinization


Moskvina N.V.1,Molganova N.A.2,Ovesnov S.A.1


1. Perm state university

2. Perm state agro-technological university


The state of soils and vegetation in the valleys of the Tolych and Zyryanka rivers (Promkanal, Berezniki) was assessed and changes due to discharges from large industrial facilities were identified. In the Promkanal valley, the formation of secondary solonchaks was recorded, the salinity level and chemical composition of which depend on the composition of discharges and the distance from the water. In the riverine part of the floodplain, a strong salinization of the surface layers of soils with alkaline salts, which are toxic to plants, was revealed. The vegetation suppression and the absence of humus accumulation were detected. It has been established that the degree of salinity decreases with distance from the waters, and the main salt-containing ions are sulfates, sodium and calcium. Areas for improving the soil cover due to the watering of the Promkanal were marked.




Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law,Pollution,Ecology

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