Comparative Assessment of the Resistance of the Biological Properties of Soils of the Mountain and Plain Crimea to Gasoline Pollution


Gaivoronskiy V.G.1,Kolesnikov S.I.2,Kuzina A.A.2,Minnikova T.V.2,Kazeev K.Sh.2


1. Southern Federal University, Academy of Physical Culture and Sports

2. Southern Federal University, Academy of Biology and Biotechnology named after D.I. Ivanovsky


A study was made of the resistance of the biological properties of the main mountain and plain soils of the Crimea to gasoline pollution. It has been established that the soils of the Crimea differ significantly in the resistance of biological properties to gasoline pollution: the most stable are residual-calcareous and southern chernozems, and the least stable are brown forest acidic soils. It was revealed that the resistance of soils to gasoline pollution is determined by the structure and biological activity of the soil. It was determined that the allowable residual content of gasoline (PDOSB) in the soils of the Crimea varies from 0.45% (brown leached red-colored and incompletely developed chernozem) to 0.25% (brown forest acidic soil). It is recommended to use the value of EAPs for Crimean soils to assess and predict possible negative consequences when they are polluted with gasoline.




Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law,Pollution,Ecology

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