1. 1) J. R. Davis: ASM Special Handbook-Heat-Resistant Materials, (ASM International, 1997) p. 116.
2. 2) H. Uno, M. Kobayashi, A. Kimura and T. Misawa: Stainless Steel’91, International Conference on Stainless Steel, (ISIJ, 1991) pp. 288–294.
3. 3) V. Kuzucu, M. Aksoy, M. H. Korkut and M. M. Yildirim: Mater. Sci. Eng. A 230 (1997) 75–80.
4. 4) D. J. Powell, R. Pilkington and D. A. Miller: Stainless Steels’84, Göteborg, (1984) pp. 382–390.
5. 5) Heat Treater’s Guide, Standard Practices and Procedures for Steel, (ASM International, 1988).