1. 1) G. Sachs: Z. Ver. Deut. Ing. 72 (1928) 734-736.
2. 2) G.I. Taylor: J. Inst. Metals. 62 (1938) 307-324.
3. 3) H. Honneff and H. Mecking: Proc. 5th Int. Conf. on textures of Materials, ed. by G. Gottstein and K. Lücke, (Berlin: Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1978) 262-275.
4. 4) P. Van Houtte: Proc. 6th Int. Conf. on textures of Materials, ed. by S. Nagashima, (Iron and Steel Inst. of Japan, Tokyo, 1981) 428-436.
5. 5) U.F. Kocks and H. Chandra: Acta. Metall. 30 (1982) 695-709.