1. 1) T. B. Massalski: Binary Alloy Phase Diagrams, 2nd Edition, vol. 1, (ASM International, Materials Park, OH, U.S.A., 1990) p. 132.
2. 2) G. V. Raynor: The Physical Metallurgy of Magnesium and Its Alloys, (Pergamon Press, Oxford, UK, 1959) pp. 103, 370–390.
3. 3) M. S. Dargusch, G. L. Dunlop and K. Pettersen: Proc of Conf. on Magnesium Alloys and their Applications, ed. by B. L. Mordike and K. U. Kainer, (Verkstoff-Informationsgesellschaft, Wolsburg, Germany, 1998) pp. 277–282.
4. 4) A. Powell, V. Rezhets, M. Balogh and R.Waldo: Magnesium Technology 2001, (TMS, 2001) pp. 119–125.
5. 5) M. O. Pekguleryuz and M. M. Avedesian: Proc. Intl. Conf. Magnesium Alloys and Applications, ed. by B. L. Mordike and F. Hehman, (Materialkunde, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, 1992) pp. 213, 220.