1. 1) T. Fukushima: Mater. Sci. Forums 426–432 (2003) 3323–3328.
2. 2) T. Fukushima: Environment-conscious Materials and Systems for Sustainable Development (Proc. RILEM International Symposium, held on Sep. 6–7, 2004, at Koriyama, Japan, 2004) pp. 277–285.
3. 3) T. Fukushima, K. Sakayama and S. Hashimoto: Proc. 5th Japan Interntl. SAMPE Sym. on Challenging Materials and Processing Technology Aiming for New Industrial Application, (Tokyo, Japan, 1997) pp. 1457–1462.
4. 4) T. Fukushima, K. Yanagi, T. Sone and H. Kurauchi: Proc. 2001 2nd Interntl Conf. on Engineering Materials, (held on August 16–21 at San Jose, U.S.A., 2001) pp. 53–66.
5. 5) Report of Leading Research of New Energy and Development Organization of Japan (1998) (NEDO-PR-9910) Survey Research on Advanced Materials Technology by Microcapsules (in Japanese).