1. 1) K. H. Prabhudev: Hand Book of Heat Treatment of Steels, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co. Ltd., New Delhi India, (1988), p. 459.
2. 2) Central Board of Irrigation & Power, Report No. 1765-87/98 (P) IDF 1, India, Vol. 14, April, (1990), p. 23.
3. 3) L. Xu and N. Kennon: Wear, 148 (1991), 101.
4. 4) B. K. Prasad and S. V. Prasad: Wear, 151 (1991), 1.
5. 5) J. Larsen-Badse and K. G. Mathew: Wear, 14 (1969), 199.