1. 1) T. S. Calayag: Proc. Int. Sympo. Zinc-Aluminium (ZA) Cast Alloys, ed. by G. P. Lewis, R. J. Barnhust and C. A. Loong, CIM, Toronto, (1986), p. 305.
2. 2) R. J. Burnhurst and J. C. Farge: ibid, p. 85.
3. 3) D. Apelian, M. Paliwal and D. C. Herrschaft: J. Met., 33 (1981), 12.
4. 4) S. W. K. Morgan: Zinc and its Alloys and Compounds, 1st edn., Ellis Horwood Limited Publishers, Chicester, John Willey and Sons, (1985), p. 11.
5. 5) T. S. Eyre: Treatise on Materials Science and Technology: Wear, Vol. 13, ed. by D. Scott, Academic Press, New York, (1979), p. 363.