1. 1) H. A. Lipsitt: High-Temperature Ordered Intermetallic Alloys I, ed. by C. C. Koch, C. T. Liu and N. S. Stoloff, MRS, Pittsburgh, 39 (1986), 351.
2. 2) J. B. McAndrew and H. D. Kessler: J. Metals, 8 (1956), 1348.
3. 3) Y-W. Kim: High-Temperature Ordered Intermetallic Alloys IV, ed. by J. O. Stiegler, L. A. Johnson and D. P. Pope, MRS, Pittsburgh, 213 (1992), 777.
4. 4) T. Kanai, T. Kawabata and O. Izumi: Abstract of JIM Fall Meeting, p. 119, October 1978;
5. Acta Metall., 33 (1985), 1355.