1. 1) F. A. Golightly, F. H. Stott and G. C. Wood: Oxid. Met., 10 (1976), 163.
2. 2) Y. Shoji, S. Akiyama, M. Kisaichi, K. Nagatoshi and H. Hoshi: Tetsu-to-Hagané, 62 (1976), 108.
3. 3) T. Amano, S. Yajima and Y. Saito: Trans. JIM, 20 (1979), 431.
4. 4) T. Amano, S. Yajima and Y. Saito: Proc. 3rd JIM Int. Symp. on High Temperature Corrosion of Metals and Alloys, Supplement to Trans. JIM, 24 (1983), 247.
5. 5) H. Hindam and D. P. Whittle: Proc. 3rd JIM Int. Symp. on High Temperature Corrosion of Metals and Alloys, Supplement to Trans. JIM, 24 (1983), 261.