1. 1) Hot Deformation of Austenite, Ed. by J. B. Ballance, AIME, New York, (1977).
2. 2) Metallurgy of Hot Working of Steels, Ed. by I. Tamura, Iron Steel Inst. Jpn, (1982).
3. 3) Annealing Processes - Recovery, Recrystallization and Grain Growth, Ed. by N. Hansen et al., Riso National Lab., (1986).
4. 4) Physical Metallurgy of Thermomechanical Processing of Steels and Other Metals, Ed. by. I. Tamura, Iron Steel Inst. Jpn,(1988).
5. 5) Recrystallization ’90, Ed. by T. Chandra, AIME, (1990).