1. 1) G. A. Bassett and C. Edeleanu: Physical Metallurgy of Stress Corrosion Fracture, Interscience, New York, (1959), p. 117.
2. 2) P. R. Swann and J. Nutting: J. Inst. Metals, 88 (1960), 478.
3. 3) D. Tromans and J. Nuttings: Fracture of Solids, Interscience Publishers, New York, (1962), p. 637.
4. 4) D. Tromans and J. Nutting: Corrosion, 21 (1965), 143.
5. 5) H. W. Pickering and P. R. Swann: Corrosion, 19 (1963), 373.