1. 1) IACS is an acronym for International Annealed Copper Standard, a unit of electrical conductivity for metals and alloys relative to a standard annealed copper conductor; an IACS value of 100% refers to a conductivity of 58.0 MS·m−1.
2. 2) K. Nomura: R&D Kobe Steel Engineering Reports 54, No. 1 (2004) 2–8.
3. 3) H. Shishido, S. Katura, K. Matsumoto and Y. Ariga: Japan Patent Kokai, 2011-52316 (2011.03.17).
4. 4) N. Era and K. Fukamachi: J. JRICu 44 (2005) 136–139.
5. 5) Y. Saito, N. Tsuji, H. Utsunomiya, T. Sakai and R. G. Hong: Scr. Mater. 39 (1998) 1221–1227.