1. 1) A. B. Kinzel and R. Franks: The Alloys of Iron and Chromium, McGraw-Hill, N.Y., (1940), 57.
2. 2) Y. Matsunaga: Ôyô-Kinzokugaku-Taikei, Vol. 6, Seibundô-Shinkô-Sha, Tokyo, (1963), 6.
3. 3) Edited by The Japan Institute of Metals and The Iron and Steel Institute of Japan, Tekkô-Zairyô-Binran, Maruzen, Tokyo, (1967), 607.
4. 4) Z. Nishiyama: Sci. Rep. Tohoku Univ., 18 (1929), 359.
5. 5) H. Masumoto and T. Kobayashi: J. Japan Inst. Metals., 12-6 (1948), 1;