1. 1) A. Kelly and R. B. Nicholson: Progress in Materials Science, Pergamon Press, 10 (1961), 148.
2. 2) G. W. Lorimer: Precipitation Process in Solids, Ed. by R. C. Russell and H. I. Aaronson, AIME, (1978), p. 87.
3. 3) F. Nakamura, N. Matsumoto, K. Furukawa and J. Takamura: Phil. Mag., 36 (1977), 1355.
4. 4) M. Kanno, H. Suzuki and O. Kanoh: J. Japan Inst. Metals, 44 (1980), 1139 (in Japanese).
5. 5) T. Abe, T. Miyazaki and K. Hirano: Collected Abstracts of the 1979 Autumn Meeting of Japan Inst. Metals, p. 236.