1. 1) For example, J. Biel, A. Petro, B. Flinn and R. A. Flinn: Trans. Amer. Found. Soc., 88 (1980), 703.
2. 2) 19th Committee of Japan Society for Promotion of Science: Seiko-hanno no Suisho-heikochi (Recommended Values of Reaction Equilibria in Steelmaking), Nikkan Kogyo Shinbunsha, Tokyo, (1969), 39.
3. 3) R. P. Goel, H. H. Kellogg and J. Larrain: Met. Trans., 11B (1980), 107.
4. 4) A. McLean and R. G. Ward: J. Iron Steel Inst., 204 (1966), 8.
5. 5) K. S. Goto and W. Pluschkell: Physics of Electrolytes, vol. I, ed. by J. Hladik, Academic Press, London, (1972), p. 539.