1. 1) M. Tanino: Bull. Japan Inst. Metals, 11 (1972), 203.
2. 2) H. J. Goldschmidt: J. Iron Steel Inst., 160 (1948), 345.
3. 3) T. Sato, T. Nishizawa and K. Murai: Tetsu to Hagane, 44 (1958), 565.
4. 4) T. Nishizawa: Thermodynamics Study of Fe–C–Mn, Fe–C–Cr and Fe–C–Mo Systems, Report 4602, Swedish Board for Technical Development, Stockholm, (1967).
5. 5) Metals Handbook, eighth edition, Structures and Phase Diagrams, MSTM, (1973), p. 403, 407, 409.