1. 1) Y. Inoue: Collected Abstracts of the 1983 Fall Meeting of Japan Inst. Metals, p. 193.
2. 2) H. Kimura: Collected Abstracts of the 1983 Fall Meeting of Japan Inst. Metals, p. 195.
3. 3) S. Otsuka and Z. Kozuka: Abst. 8th Chubu-Kagaku-Kankeigakukyokai-Shiburengo, Fall Meeting, (Oct. 1977), p. 241, Nagoya, Japan.
4. 4) S. Otsuka and Z. Kozuka: Met. Trans. B, 10B (1979), 565.
5. 5) S. Otsuka: Molten Salts, 26 (1983), 129.