1. 1) For these recent topics, see J. Phys. (Paris), July, 38 (1977) [Suppl.]
2. 2) C. R. Veale: Fine Powders, Applied Sci. Publisher Ltd., London, (1972), p. 21.
3. 3) F. E. Luborsky: Ultrafine Particles, Ed. by W. E. Kuhn, H. Lamprey and C. Sheer, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, (1963), p. 236.
4. 4) K. Kimoto, Y. Kamiya, M. Nonoyama and R. Uyeda: Japan J. Appl. Phys., 2 (1963), 702.
5. 5) R. Uyeda: J. Cryst. Growth, 45 (1978), 485.