1. 1) W. Rosenhain and D. Ewen: J. Inst. Met., 10 (1913), 119.
2. 2) For example, H. Conrad: Mechanical Behavior of Materials at Elevated Temperature, McGraw-Hill, (1961), p. 218.
3. 3) For example, D. McLean: Mechanical Properties of Metals, John-Wiley and Sons, (1962), p. 303.
4. 4) For example, N. J. Grant: Creep and Fracture of Metals at High Temperatures, N.P.L., H.M.S.O., London (1954).
5. 5) For example, H. Gleiter and B. Chalmers: Prog. Mater. Sci., Pergamon Press, 16 (1972), 127; 179.