1. 1) T. Owadano, K. Kishitake and M. Fujii: J. Japan Foundrymen’s Society, 51 (1979), 93 (in Japanese).
2. 2) M. Hillert and S. Rao: The Solidification of Metals, The Iron and Steel Institute, (1968), p. 204.
3. 3) R. Tanaka: J. Iron Steel Inst. Japan, 53 (1967), 1586 (in Japanese).
4. 4) G. D. Smith: Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations, Japanese version by Y. Fujikawa, Science Pub. Co., (1971), p. 42.
5. 5) K. Kishitake, T. Owadano and K. Miyamoto: J. Japan Foundrymen’s Society, 53 (1981), 295 (in Japanese).