1. 1) M. Cohen, B. H. Kear and R. Mehrabian: Rapid solidification Processing, Principles and Technologies, II, Ed. R. Mehrabian, B. H. Kear and M. Cohen, Claitor’s Publishing Division, Louisiana, (1980), p. 1.
2. 2) H. H. Liebermann: Materials Science and Engineering, 46 (1980), 241.
3. 3) M. R. Jolly and R. W. Honeycombe: Proc. Fourth Int. Conf. of Rapidly Quenched Metals, Sendai, (1981), p. 133.
4. 4) D. G. Morris: Ref. (1), p. 372.
5. 5) D. G. Morris: Metal Science, 15 (1981), 3;