1. 1) S. Takaki and H. Kimura: Scripta Metall., 10 (1976), 701-704, 1095-1101.
2. 2) K. Abiko: Materia Japan, 33 (1994), 11 (in Japanese).
3. 3) M. Isshiki and K. Igaki: Trans., JIM, 19 (1978), 431.
4. 4) S. Takaki, H. Kimura and H. Schultz: Proc. Int. Conf. “Point Defects and Defect Interactions in Metals” Univ. of Tokyo Press, (1982), p. 516.
5. 5) For example: Mechanical Properties of BCC Metals, ed. by M. Meshii, Met. Soc., AIME, (1982).