1. 1) R. T. Begley: Evolution of Refractory Metals and Alloys, ed. by E. N. C. Dalder, T. Grobstein and C. S. Olsen, The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society, (1994), pp. 29–48.
2. 2) C. C. Wojcik: High Temperature Niobium Alloys, ed. by J. J. Stephens and I. Ahmad, The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society, (1991), pp. 1–12.
3. 3) R. T. Begley and J. H. Bechtold: J. Less-common. Metals, 3 (1961), 1–12.
4. 4) Metals handbook, Ninth ed. by ASM international, Metals Park, OH., 2 (1979), pp. 740.
5. 5) K. N. Lee and W. L. Worrell: Oxid. Metals, 32 (1989), 357–369.