1. 1) S. I. Karsay: Ductile Iron, Production Practices, (American Foundrymen’s Society, Inc., Des Plaines, Illinos, 1985) pp. 6–13.
2. 2) H. T. Angus: Cast Iron, Physical and Engineering Properties, (Butterworths, London, 1976) pp. 199–233.
3. 3) J. R. Davis: Casts Irons, (ASM specialty handbook, ASM International, Materials Park, OH, 1996) pp. 32–154.
4. 4) A. Gangadhar, M. S. Shunmugam and P. K. Philip: Wear 143 (1991) 45–55.
5. 5) N. Mohri, N. Saito and Y. Tsunekawa: Annals CIRP 42 (1993) 219–222.