1. H.S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University, Kharkiv
The scientific review article presents an analysis of the current problems of music education in the People's Republic of China, which are caused by the contradictions between the urgent need to preserve and multiply the national cultural potential and the requirements for the reorganization of the education system in accordance with the tasks of integration into the cultural and educational world space.
The role of Chinese musical art in the historical, cultural and philosophical excursion is characterized.
The main problems of music education in the People's Republic of China, which are determined by the music-pedagogical community, are presented. They are the following: orientation of Chinese music education on the training of performers, improvement of their technique; insufficient use of interdisciplinary connections with humanitarian disciplines to form a holistic view of musical art as a spiritual phenomenon; insufficient level of professional training of teachers of musical art; conservative approach in the organization and implementation of the educational process.
The views of Chinese scientists, teachers, and art critics regarding the modernization of music education in the People's Republic of China are highlighted: updating and expanding the content of education by disciplines, topics of a national nature; the use of modern methods, techniques, organizational forms of training; raising the level of training of music teachers.
The importance of building a national music school for the implementation of the state national cultural strategy is revealed. Among other important factors are solving the problems of national unification of the country, consolidation of the people, harmonization of relations in the society on the basis of cultural cohesion of the nation; elevation of the national identity of the Chinese nation.
Prospective directions for the development of the national music school are outlined: updating the performing repertoire, supplementing the musical material studied in music lessons with examples of folk art; creating a historical and cultural context when teaching musical disciplines; promoting the spread of traditional Chinese music, its popularity and prestige in public consciousness; improvement of the process of teaching Chinese traditional music in educational institutions of all levels; defining and reconstructing the subjectivity of Chinese music, using the unique spiritual experience of national music.
Khortytsia National Educational Rehabilitation Academy
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