1. H.S. Skovorodа Kharkiv National Pedagogical University, Kharkiv
The article is devoted to the issues of training future choreographic art specialists, in particular, the organization of project activities in institutions of higher education. The purpose of the article is to determine the peculiarities of organizing project activities in the professional training of future choreographic art specialists. The article reveals the essence of the concepts "project method", "project technologies", also defines the types of projects according to the dominant type of activity of students, as well as according to the duration of the projects. Based on the analysis of the scientific and pedagogical literature, the pedagogical conditions for the application of project activities in the training of future choreographic art specialists are summarized. The characteristic features of the project activity of choreographic art specialists are presented.
The peculiarities of the organization of project activities in the professional training of future choreographic art specialists have been determined: the presence of an actual problem that requires a solution and is significant for the future activity of choreographic art specialists; the beneficiaries' awareness of the project's goals and expected result; clear definition of the planning of specific actions of the participant (participants); taking into account the main feature of project activity, which requires research work of future choreographic art specialists; wide use of modern digital services, multimedia, information and communication technologies to solve tasks; the final stage should include a real product and its presentation, regardless of the type of a project.
The organization of project activities in the training of future choreographic art specialists in China includes the following stages: 1. Definition of a clear goal and tasks of the project. 2. Selection of the project team for the successful implementation of the project. 3. Project planning. After formulating the goal and selecting the project team, it is necessary to develop a detailed action plan taking into account the terms of work, project costs, distribution of responsibilities among team members, etc. 4. Implementation of the project. 5. Evaluation of project results. After the completion of the project, it is necessary to analyze the results and determine the level of achievement of the set goal and tasks.
Khortytsia National Educational Rehabilitation Academy
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