
Shvardak Marianna1ORCID


1. Mukachevo State University, Mukachevo


The article presents a systematic analysis of digital interactive technologies in the conditions of primary schools. In the light of rapid digitalization, it is quite obvious that the educational institution should play a key role in preparing young people for life in a digital society. A primary school teacher must meet the new demands and requirements of today, in particular: respond promptly and actively implement educational trends; make the optimal choice and skillfully apply current digital technologies for teaching primary education students; organize cooperation and communication between the participants of educational process; design electronic educational environment; understand and take into account the needs, requests and peculiarities of younger students in the educational process. The methodological basis of the research is the theoretical analysis of digital interactive technologies in the conditions of primary school. The article used theoretical methods of scientific and pedagogical research: systemic-structural analysis, content analysis of literature, synthesis, classification, abstraction and generalization. The essence is clarified, the principles are outlined (openness, active cooperation, interface convenience), the structure (hardware, software, and user levels) is defined, and the main means (hardware and software) of digital interactive technologies are characterized. The most popular interactive platforms for younger schoolchildren are characterized (LearningApps, Kahoot!, Seesaw, Scratch, ABCmouse,, Epic!, Quizlet, Duolingo). An algorithm was developed and the requirements for its effective application were determined, as well as the possibilities of digital interactive technologies in the conditions of a modern primary school were critically evaluated. It was found that digital interactive technologies have significant potential to improve learning in primary schools, but their use should be justified and ensure a balance between digital and traditional learning, as well as adhere to the principles of security and privacy.


Khortytsia National Educational Rehabilitation Academy


General Medicine

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1. IMMERSIVE TECHNOLOGIES IN PRIMARY EDUCATION;Scientific Herald of Sivershchyna. Series: Education. Social and Behavioural Sciences;2023-05-12







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