1. Gorontalo State University
Long-distance relationships (LDR) are increasingly common, particularly among young adults. The geographic separation inherent in LDR, and communication factors, may have implications for the satisfaction relationship of individuals in LDR. However, little current work examines these potential associations on decision communication. The current study examined associations between relationship-level predictors (satisfaction, maintenance) and individual-communication disclosure in LDDRs. In the present study, all participants live in Gorontalo City (Indonesia) and their couple lives in another city. Participants (N = 7) were young adults (22 - 35 years old), who completed an interview on communication relationships. Here, we report sample characteristics; correlations between key study variables; and, the results of stepwise whether relationship-level variables predicted individual-level disclosure. Results indicated that relationship satisfaction of romantically relationship happiness, commitment, and conflict did not differ based on LDR status, but, relationship stress led to in change a couple’s communication behaviours. In conclusion, empathy, respect, support, and equality is the main aspect of interpersonal communication disclosure among the couple.
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