The research aims to form a conceptual vision of the "security environment" concept, to determine its structure and the content of concepts derived from it, as well as to establish logical and semantic connections between them. The need for such research occurred because of using security terms arbitrarily in government and business activities. Therefore, their content is interpreted and perceived differently, which, in turn, harms law-making, organization and planning of security measures, etc. The article, based on the theoretical foundations of security science, revealed and substantiated the author's approach to the understanding and interpretation of the "security environment" concept. Besides, the paper proposed the definition of the semantically similar concepts of "safe environment" and, conversely, "dangerous environment". Based on the results of the system approach and content analysis of the main security concepts, some terms derived from the concept of "security environment" were determined and their content was substantiated, as well as the corresponding structural and semantic logic of the connections between them. The article describes that the formation and development of the security environment are carried out by the relevant subjects of security activities, for which they use the forces and means at their disposal and the relevant legal acts, as well as apply their capabilities, demonstrate readiness for such activities and establish a safety culture in society. The research schematically and substantively demonstrated that a security environment is formed as a result of security activity taking into account challenges that have not been dealt with, risks that have been realized, internal and external threats and security situations. A dangerous environment is formed as a result of the dangerous occurrence, i.e. loss of control over the situation or the onset of a crisis state. This scientific intelligence will be helpful for everyone interested in modern security science issues: scientists, practitioners, civil servants, deputies and other subjects of the security environment, especially in the russian-Ukrainian war framework.
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6 articles.