Abstract. The purpose of this article is to provide a thorough examines the strategic management of economic security of the state and development of strategic management of the state's economic security in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.
It is noted that in the process of assessing the scale of current problems there is a need for a detailed study of the content, types, factors, and ways of spreading threats / threats to socio-economic security of Ukraine, which have long accumulated in the economic sphere. It is determined that the release of citizens from the branches of the national economy, suspended due to quarantine; reduction of household incomes and rising prices for goods that have no substitutes; reduction of aggregate supply and demand in case of loss of markets; increase in receivables of enterprises and the general deterioration of their financial condition. All countries, markets, businesses, firms and other economic institutions have somehow coped with the effects of the pandemic. This is easily explained by the relatively rapid integration into the world economy through international trade, financial flows and labor migration. Another factor of economic instability was the rapid expansion of services. Despite the growing importance for society and employment, services are most at risk of a pandemic. Sectors of the economy that were under strong pressure under the influence of the coronavirus crisis are highlighted. The macrofinancial indicators of Ukraine for 2018-2020 are analyzed. Thus, there is a stable growth of GDP (in actual prices) throughout the study period, which indicates an increase in domestic production capacity. In 2019, this figure increased by 111.7% compared to 2018, and in 2020 this figure showed an increase of 105.5%. The total amount of public and state-guaranteed debt will increase during 2018-2020. In 2019, the debt increased by UAH 6.05 billion, and in 2020 this figure increased by UAH 5.88 billion. But the ratio of public debt to GDP fluctuates. In 2018, this figure was 60.9%, in 2019 - 50.3%, and in 2020 - 60.8%. The recession could be particularly damaging for countries with the greatest potential for unrest and conflict. The authors developed a strategy for managing the country's economic security has been developed.
Keywords. Pandemic, strategy, security, state, support, crisis.
JEL Classification H 56
Formulas: 0; Fig .: 1; table: 4; bibl. 10.
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