The main purpose, presented in this article is to investigate and identify the problematic aspects, key features and factors of effective media planning, a conceptual scheme for creating a digital media plan as an important component of digital marketing in the direction of achieving economic efficiency of business structures.To achieve this goal, in the article, the methods of systematization and generalization, scientific abstraction, and analytical analysis have been used. To highlight the financial component of the implementation of the media plan, the methods of the system approach, system analysis and the method of logical-mathematical formalization were used for the purpose of research and study of objects by displaying the content and structure of media planning in a calculated form.The key role of media planning in digital marketing activity is defined and substantiated as an important component for comprehensive financial planning of an advertising campaign, effective financial analytics for obtaining effective results of business structures’ activity.Based on taking into account structural market transformations in the conditions of informatization and intellectualization of society, the nature of the relationship between economic indicators and the corresponding goals of business structures was determined, which proved the need to include the defined marketing and general business performance goals in the digital media plan. In the direction of achieving high-performance indicators of marketing activities, the article developed a conceptual scheme for creating an effective digital media plan.It is determined that the economic efficiency of marketing project development and implementation will depend on real-time analytics and forecasting, autonomous campaigns and the development of artificial intelligence. It is proved that in a digital media plan, stakeholders, which are representatives of the business structure or with external partners, play a key role in contributing in order to achieve the highest level of business structures’ economic efficiency.
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