The current work analyzes uneven regional economic development in Poland, Spain and Ukraine. It was determined that the unevenness of the economic development of the regions of the studied countries can be assessed by comparing statistical indicators, namely the index of the unevenness of the economic development of the countries, the dynamics of changes in the population of the studied countries and the comparison of regional economic statistics, in particular the indicators of the gross regional product. In order to identify the unevenness of regional economic development and justify the possible ways of their smoothing or levelling, the article uses such integral indicators as the coefficient of variation or Williamson’s coefficient of variation, weighted coefficient of variation, relative mean deviation and Theil Index. The study of the indicated indicators made it possible to reveal contradictions in their analysis and the need to calculate additional indicators, as well as the influence of factors of direct and indirect influence on the economic unevenness of the regional development of the studied European countries.
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