
Pysareva IrynaORCID,Ryabev АntonORCID,Tonkoshkur MaksymORCID,Kolontaievskyi OlegORCID,Pokolodna Mariya


In the article, organizational and economic support of tourism and hotel enterprises activities has been developed based on the construction of an effective mechanism capable of solving problems of an institutional, organizational and economic nature. The authors have found out that the development of tourism has a huge impact on the socio-economic state of the country and the level of the quality of life of the population, therefore the formation of organizational and economic support for the activities of tourism and hotel enterprises is of primary importance since the tourism industry is an interdisciplinary complex that is part of the tourism sphere and unites various types of economic activity from material production to the non-material sphere, which are the material basis of tourism, the basis for personnel training, production management organization, and tourism product sales. It has been stressed that tourism enterprises are business entities of a specific nature, which have certain features both from the point of view of production organization and their socio-economic efficiency.It has been found out that hospitality enterprises must form and implement existing service strategies in order to meet specific and rapidly changing needs of the market in which they have chosen a certain segment for themselves since, in conditions of a high level of bankruptcies, only those business entities that are able to think strategically and adapt to changes in the external environment can achieve success.An integrated approach to the formation and implementation of state policy in the field of tourism and hotel management is proposed. The functional relationship of the totality of the main factors that determine the state of the financial and economic activity of tourism and hotel enterprises is determined. It is indicated that the economic efficiency of the activities of tourism and hotel industry enterprises is achieved through a balanced personnel management system. A model for monitoring the development of personnel is suggested. The use of this model allows for controlling and managing the course of the process. It has been concluded that today when doing business in the field of tourism, it is necessary to clearly take into account external and internal factors influencing the activities of economic entities and improve the personnel management system since the level of satisfaction of consumers of tourism and hotel services depends on the personnel's professional abilities.



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