
Alieksieiev IhorORCID,Kurylo Oksana,Horyslavets PavloORCID,Poburko Oleksiy


In the article from the standpoint of sustainable economic development, the introduction of circular economy principles into production activity is considered. A study of relevant publications was carried out, which reflected the latest achievements of science and practice of the leading countries of America, Europe, and Asia, and a typology of circular economy research was compiled. The author's feature of the typology is proposed - the search for directions for the formation and development of a scientific and technological cluster. As a means of implementing circular economy programs, projects, measures, the definition and formation of funding sources for scientific and technological clusters are proposed.The problem of financing research and development in Ukraine in comparison with the countries of Europe, North America and Asia was examined, which showed the impossibility of correcting the situation with the help of budget funding in the coming years. Based on the results of the analysis of the specific weight of research and development costs in relation to GDP, a low level of funding for this area of ​​activity in Ukraine was revealed. The need to involve business circles in the financing of research and development requires the use of such an organizational form of work as technoparks. Taking into account the European integration processes and the world experience of creating technology parks with the participation of universities, or territorially separated structures, as well as existing technology parks in Ukraine, it is proposed to form scientific and technological clusters. Scientific and technological clusters should include technoparks, universities, institutes of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, design and technological structures (institutes, bureaus), and production enterprises. This will allow the most effective use of scientific and engineering potential and production capacity under the matrix system of managing all types of cluster resources in the current conditions.The article proposes the use of methods of analysis, analogy, comparison, induction, statistical, which allowed to thoroughly study the range of issues and draw the appropriate conclusions.



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