The article considers the main approaches to the rehabilitation ability of construction companies, which should be identified based on a set of individual aspects of the construction company as a participant in investment and construction project and identification of synergetic properties to restore financial stability based on a holistic approach to such assessment. The purpose of this article is to identify the factors that should ensure the rehabilitation ability of the enterprise in the long run. Four groups of indicators can signal in advance the rehabilitation ability state of the construction company. These are indicators that characterize: rehabilitation ability of staff (rehabilitation ability of the project team, rehabilitation potential of staff) (К1); rehabilitation ability of the existing business model for the period of evaluation of the construction company (К2); rehabilitation favorability of environment of the investment and construction project (К3); rehabilitation potential of the construction company (К4). Identification of construction companies rehabilitation ability level is proposed to be carried out based on the calculation of the cumulative indicator, which is determined in six stages: 1) analysis of the dynamics of individual indicators of enterprise activity; 2) calculation and analysis of pairwise correlation coefficients between each of the cumulative indicators of rehabilitation ability and a set of indicators; 3) forming of four local correlation-regression models of the cumulative indicators’ dependence on the most influential explanatory factors from the set formed at the previous step; 4) creating a comprehensive cumulative indicator of the rehabilitation ability of the construction company I; 5) calculation and analysis of pairwise correlation coefficients between each of the cumulative indicators of rehabilitation ability as an explanatory factor and the cumulative indicator of rehabilitation ability I; 6) construction of a correlation-regression model of dependence of I on indicators from the set. Then all created models are combined into a single tool that can detect the threat of bankruptcy of the construction company, taking into account the functional-informational, financial, operational links between the participants of the construction in investment and construction projects. Assessing the rehabilitation ability of construction companies based on four aspects of development success (staff, business model, development project environment, and competitiveness factors) not only identify the strengths and weaknesses of participants of construction project but also identify areas of priority for control, correction and other rehabilitation actions for participants in development projects.
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