1. Ural Federal University, Yekaterinburg, Russia
In this paper, we rely on research of specific features of social media’s
Internet audience conducted by VCIOM, BrandAnalytics, RBC and other expert
and informational communities and consider the social media’s role, opportunities
and limitations in building a dialogue between the population and authorities’
representatives. To this end, we assess the level of activity and productivity of
authorities representatives’ presence and the existence of feedback from the public
on social media like VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Facebook and Instagram. The
paper’s theoretical and methodology foundation is the secondary analysis of domestic
and Western publications studying specific features of social media as a platform
for civil journalism of a new type. Also, we apply comparative analysis of sociological
research methods of socio-digital activity. Officials’ reliance on opinion polls that
are inefficient (unlike content analysis) in terms of monitoring the socio-digital
activity leads to their underestimating the popularity level of social media (VKontakte,
Odnoklassniki) “loved by the people” and preferring foreign ones (Facebook and
Instagram) or offline communications. This causes officials’ insufficiently quick
reaction to acute problems and public needs and, consequently, distribution of fake
information (especially under crisis and panic conditions). Medialogy automated
mass media monitoring (content-based) system proved to be a good tool of political
forecasting to neutralize these phenomena. In this paper, we research the prospects
of its application and make a conclusion on the need of its broader deployment in
the practice of public opinion monitoring by regional and municipal authorities.
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