The scorpionfly Panorpa qinlingensis Chou & Ran is described and illustrated in detail for its immature stages, including egg, larva, and pupa. The egg is oval with chorion decorated with irregular polygonal network. The larva is eruciform and peripneustic, bearing eight pairs of abdominal prolegs. A pair of prominent compound eyes are present on head. The first instar larva differs from later instars in possessing a prominent egg burster on frons and with clavate setae. The pupa is exarate and decticous, taking the shape of the adults. The scorpionfly is bivoltine, overwintering as prepupal stage in the soil. The durations of the egg, larval, and pupal stages are 5–9 d, 19–27 d, and 8–18 d respectively for the first generation. Adults emerge from mid May to early June and from late July to mid August in the Micang Mountain, central China.
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