Mathematical thinking and understanding in learning of mathematics


Joutsenlahti Jorma,Perkkilä PäiviORCID


The concept “mathematical thinking” can be found in several studies of mathematics education, in national curricula or in media during the decades all over the world. We searched words “mathematical thinking” from the database of international scientific articles, and we found 456 707 mentions at first time. These are the main reasons why we have chosen “mathematical thinking” as the central concept of the Special Issue. The other interesting question from our point of view is how a student can express his/her mathematical thinking? By answering this question, we have made simple model for the teacher education purposes, and we call it “languaging” (of mathematical thinking). The articles of the Special Issue gives some answers to the questions: “What is mathematical thinking and how we can express it?” and “What are the relationships between conceptual understanding and mathematical thinking?”.


LUMA Centre Finland



Reference15 articles.

1. Fuson, K. C. (2019) Relating math words, visual images, and math symbols for understanding and competence. International Journal of Disability, Development and Education, 66(2), 119–132.

2. Hannula, M. S. (2004). Affect in mathematical thinking and learning. [Doctoral thesis, University of Turku]

3. Hiebert, J. & Lefevre, P. (1986). Conceptual and procedural knowledge in mathematics: an introductory analysis. In J. Hiebert (Eds.), Conceptual and procedural knowledge: the case of mathematics (pp. 1–27). Lawrence Erlbaum.

4. d’Ambrosio, U. (1985). Ethnomathematics and Its Place in the History and Pedagogy of Mathematics. For the Learning of Mathematics, 5(1), 44–48.

5. Joutsenlahti J. (2009). The features of mathematical thinking among Finnish students in upper-secondary school. Teoksessa C. Winslow (Eds.), Nordic Research in Mathematics Education: proceedings from NORMA08 in Copenhagen, April 21-April 25, 2008 (pp. 315–320). Sense Publishers.







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