Metodika formirovaniia inoiazychnoi mezhkul'turnoi professional'noi kompetentsii u obuchaiushchikhsia neiazykovogo vuza po napravleniiu "Reklama i sviazi s obshchestvennost'iu"


Liakhova Elena Georgievna1


1. FSAEI of HE “Russian University of Transport”


Teaching a foreign language of a specialty in the bachelor's system is becoming more and more practice-oriented. The purpose of the study is to develop and scientifically substantiate a methodology for teaching a foreign language with elements of professionalization on the basis of identifying and comparing the national Russian culture code of goods and services and the national code of goods and services of the foreign language culture of the country of the foreign language being studied. The results of the conducted pedagogical experiment allow us to conclude that it is possible to increase the effectiveness of teaching students in the sphere of advertising and public relations by including the presented methodology in the curriculum for the discipline «Professional communication in English», as well as, when teaching other languages in the systems of bachelor's and master's degrees.


Publishing house Sreda

Reference17 articles.

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3. Новая образовательная парадигма и контекстное обучение;Вербицкий А. А.

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5. Межкультурная коммуникативная компетенция как цель обучения в языковом вузе;Кафтайлова Н. А.







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