Analiz issledovanii vysokotemperaturnogo frettinga primenitel'no k razrabotke innovatsionnykh reshenii povysheniia nadezhnosti mashin


Alisin Valerii Vasilevich1ORCID


1. FGBUN "Institut mashinovedeniia im A.A. Blagonravova RAN"


The article is devoted to the development of the direction of work on the creation of qualitatively new innovative solutions to ensure the reliability of connections of machine elements. The recommendations are based on the analysis of studies on wear process of the fixed joints of machine elements during microdisplacements in contact under the influence of vibration at high temperatures. It is established that physical and chemical processes occurring in the area of actual contact of the joint elements are varied and the effect of temperature on tribological characteristics of frictional contact is complex, since with an increase in temperature the reduction of worn-out volume can occur as well as increase of it. To predict the resistance of the contact to fretting, it is necessary to conduct a force analysis on the contact and determine the spectral composition of vibrations affecting the friction contact.


Publishing house Sreda

Reference41 articles.

1. Фреттинг-коррозия;Уотерхауз Р. Б.

2. Фреттинг-коррозия металлов;Голего Н. Л.; Алябьев А. Я.; Шевеля В. В.

3. Effects of sliding amplitude and normal load on the fretting wear behavior of alloy 690 tube exposed to high temperature water;Xianglong G. ; Ping L. ; Lichen T.;Tribology International,2017

4. Тhe effect of temperature on the fretting wear of mild steel;Hunicks P. L.; Ashfordt K. S.;Proc. Inst. Mech. Eng,1969

5. The effect of frequency on both the debris and the development of the tribologically transformed structure during fretting wear of a high strength steel;Kirk А. М.; Shipway Р. Н.; Sun W.;Wear,2019







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