Rehousing is a practical measure to reduce the housing crisis in metropolitan areas that do not have land resources. The periphery corresponds to the spaces dependent on the center, which the Algerian public authorities have used to build collective housing estates. According to the townspeople of Constantine, these processes were followed by many social effects. This study presents the survey results with the heads of households in Boudhraà Saleh precarious neighbourhood, near Constantine city center in eastern Algeria, who were rehoused from the precarious housing towards the new city Massinissa at the periphery of Constantine. Using a descriptive approach, we analyze the effects of rehousing operations and the periphery’s choice as a transfer place. Our survey results show the social effects of rehousing and the reflections of relocated households related to their social environment, whereas the periphery has become uninhabitable. The difficulty in obtaining a habitat forced them to face these difficult circumstances. Given the unfavorable social and environmental conditions prevailing in the new city of Massinissa, prompt intervention is imperative to identify and implement drastic measures to address the harsh realities experienced by its rehousing households and provide them with suitable habitats and outdoor spaces in compliance with the fundamental tenets of sustainable development.
Geography, Planning and Development
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