"The African continent, long on the fringes of history, after more than half a century of independence, continues to ask questions about its future. After having missed the appointment of development and then that of globalization, the time has come, in this context of integration, since it is not necessary to reinvent the wheel, for Africa to assume and to take off. There is nothing new, the European experiences of integration, enriched by centuries of world domination and nourished by years of planetary conflicts, constitute a boon of theories and doctrines in the light of the current processes of integration. The proximity of cultures, values and history is a major player in the sharing of customs. In order to constitute its own model, the culmination of African integration is the genius of the synthesis resulting from the dialectic between its tradition and Western modernity. This is an effective approach to overcoming regionalism on African soil for integration on a continental scale. Keywords: integration, regionalism, neocolonialism, pan-Africanism, Eurafrique. "
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