The Greening of the Press. Terminological Neology between Metaphor and Manipulation. Through the analysis of Cop26 eco-political discourses, collected from the newspapers Le Monde, Libération, Le Devoir and La Presse, the aim of the contribution is to propose a systematisation of ecological green. Rooted in political terminology while used in a diplomatic and mediatic context, the colour provokes a counter-discourse that calls into question accusations of greenwashing. The referential domain linked to green is largely that of the energy crisis on the one hand, and the opportunities of a sustainable approach to global economy on the other, themes analysed as semantic preferences of the lexeme, as well as discursive contexts that evoke promise/hope or deception/catastrophe. The synchronic perspective is chosen to probe the topicality of environmental lexis in journalistic contexts, whose stylistic and creative turns of phrase also contribute to enriching the specialised terminology, and to shape the double perception of the colour in the collective discursive memory.
Keywords: Neology, ecological technolect, journalistic discourse, anglicisms
Babes-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca
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