On “The Fabrick of the Tongue”. Language Metaphors Used to Advocate Descriptivism/Prescriptivism in English and Romanian Dictionaries


Ștefănescu MariaORCID, ,Minică Mircea,


"On “The Fabrick of the Tongue”. Language Metaphors Used to Advocate Descriptivism/Prescriptivism in English and Romanian Dictionaries. There has been considerable scholarly interest in the relationship between language and national identity. The topic is vast and multi-faceted, but in this paper we are especially interested in the manner in which the perceived interdependence between ‘mother tongue’ and ‘fatherland’ has often prompted policies intended to protect the former, and therefore the latter, of whatever was regarded as harmful influence. In particular, we intend to survey some lexicographical work undertaken in Great Britain and (what is now) Romania between the middle of the 18th century and the beginning of the 20th century in order to compare decisions on prescriptivism or descriptivism in dictionaries, and the reasons behind them. While some background information will be necessary, our main focus will be the language metaphors which lexicographers and other people who brought a contribution to dictionary making resorted to in order to support their arguments in favour of or against prescriptivism/descriptivism. Keywords: language metaphor, lexicography, dictionary, descriptivism, prescriptivism, purism "


Babes-Bolyai University


General Medicine

Reference27 articles.

1. "1. Hasdeu, B. P. 1887. "Prefața." In B. P. Hasdeu. Etymologicum Magnum Romaniae. Dicţionarul limbei istorice şi poporane a românilor. Tom. I-II. V-XVIII. Bucureşti: Stabilimentul Grafic Socec şi Teclu.

2. 2. Johnson, Samuel. 1747. The Plan of a Dictionary of the English Language. Available online: https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/The Plan of a Dictionary of the English Language. 20.08.2020.

3. 3. Johnson, Samuel. 1755. Preface to a Dictionary of the English Language. Available online: https://www.gutenberg.org/cache/epub/5430/pg5430.html. 20.08.2022.

4. 4. Laurian, A. T., I. C. Massim. 1871 [1873]. "Prefatione." In Dicţionariul limbei romane. Tom. I-III. V-XXVI, edited by A. T. Laurian, I. C. Massim. Bucureşti: Noua Tipografie a Laboratorilor Români.

5. 5. Murray, J. A. H. 1888/1969. "General Explanations." Republished in The English Language: Volume 2, Essays by Linguists and Men of Letters, 1858-1964, edited by W. F. Bolton, D. Crystal, 59-79. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.








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