1. "1. Hasdeu, B. P. 1887. "Prefața." In B. P. Hasdeu. Etymologicum Magnum Romaniae. Dicţionarul limbei istorice şi poporane a românilor. Tom. I-II. V-XVIII. Bucureşti: Stabilimentul Grafic Socec şi Teclu.
2. 2. Johnson, Samuel. 1747. The Plan of a Dictionary of the English Language. Available online: https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/The Plan of a Dictionary of the English Language. 20.08.2020.
3. 3. Johnson, Samuel. 1755. Preface to a Dictionary of the English Language. Available online: https://www.gutenberg.org/cache/epub/5430/pg5430.html. 20.08.2022.
4. 4. Laurian, A. T., I. C. Massim. 1871 [1873]. "Prefatione." In Dicţionariul limbei romane. Tom. I-III. V-XXVI, edited by A. T. Laurian, I. C. Massim. Bucureşti: Noua Tipografie a Laboratorilor Români.
5. 5. Murray, J. A. H. 1888/1969. "General Explanations." Republished in The English Language: Volume 2, Essays by Linguists and Men of Letters, 1858-1964, edited by W. F. Bolton, D. Crystal, 59-79. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.