1. "1. Ahmed, Sara. 2014. The Cultural Politics of Emotion. Edinburgh University Press.
2. 2. Anderson, Misty. 2002. Female Playwrights and Eighteenth-Century Comedy. Negotiating Marriage on the London Stage. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan,
3. 3. Bevis, Richard. 1988. English Drama: Restoration and Eighteenth Century, 1660-1789. London: Longman.
4. 4. Brown, Laura. 1981. English Dramatic Form, 1660-1760: An Essay in Generic History. New Haven: Yale University Press.
5. 5. Butler, Douglas R. 1991. "Plot and Politics in Susanna Centlivre's A Bold Stroke For A Wife."" In Curtain Calls: British and American Women and the Theatre, 1660-1820, edited by M. A. Schofield/C. Macheski, 357-70. Athens: Ohio University Press.